怪誕奇緣 Rough Magic

怪誕奇緣 Rough Magic, 1995

8.5 1995.09.02上映
英國,美國,法國 英語 劇情,喜劇,愛情,奇幻 Spain: 100 分鐘 / UK: 104 分鐘 / USA: 104 分鐘
Set in the 1950s, Rough Magic tells the story of what happens when a pretty apprentice magician goes to Mexico to escape her fiancé, a wealthy politician, and to find a Mayan shaman who will teach her ancient principles of magic. She is being trailed by a detective hired by her fiancé. He's a former photojournalist traumatized by what he saw in Hiroshima. The photojournalist jo...